Thursday, May 24, 2012

Five Artistic Pipe Dreams of Mine

Five Artistic Pipe Dreams of Mine

1. Illustrate a menu for a restaurant. I imagine it would be the kind of place that serves brown rice sushi and vegan nachos and sandwiches named after the people who work there.

2. Illustrate some kind of pull-out, origami or otherwise structured liner notes for an album. Maybe a limited edition vinyl.

3. Illustrate a collaboration with a mathematician. This one is hard to explain. I have a vague, dreamlike idea in my head of what it would be like, and it's sort of like an edition from the Middle Ages in a parallel universe.

4. Create a series of artifacts from a lost alien civilization.

5. A very ambitious project that, in my mind, is something like a museum devoted to magical robots.

Now how about you, dear reader? Have you got any?


Lee Williams said...

Please open a museum devoted to magical robots in my town. We have six different places to buy cornish pasties within a few minutes' walk of each other. We don't need any more of those. We DO need a museum devoted to magical robots!

These are some beautiful pipe dreams and I hope you realise all of them.

Michael said...

Your pipe dreams sound so familiar. Lacking a restaurant to endorse me, I made a menu of my own. It was one of the most fun projects I've finished. But I also have a book of fairy tales from another reality and a series of rap songs I've written for a rap group that I made up whose entire catalog is songs about gerbils.

The more of these projects I have (and I have quite a few) the more I realize I'm creating my own little world. Perhaps someday I'll actually realize it in some form or other.

Bethy Williams said...

Lee, you posted this comment months ago and somehow I completely missed it. So sorry! But thank you for the kind words. And we can do a trade, because I believe strongly in the cause of putting more magical robots in the world but I can't get a Cornish pasty anywhere unless I make them myself.

Bethy Williams said...

Michael, that's fantastic! Creating artifacts from alternate realities has been a key force in pretty much my entire artistic career, so it's great to bump into a kindred thinker.

Lee Williams said...

Oh, you're very welcome! I notice there hasn't been much activity on your site for a while - hope all is well and at least some of your dreams are gurgling their way through the pipes. I always enjoy seeing your work.

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