Friday, May 7, 2010

Update: Friday, May 7th, 2010

1. I'm kind of in a hurry, so some of this stuff might need some filling in later.

2. It's true that I don't have the printer I was coveting, but I do have a compact photo printer. Maybe there's something I could do with I will have to do some experimentation...

3. I received a very nice piece of fan art the other day. You can see it now on my website.

4. I've been working on building and perfecting my Zazzle shop, where I'm offering stickers, magnets, and postcards with some of my favorite works on them. I like this a lot because these kinds of items are a fun and inexpensive way to put some art into your life. I myself have magnets made by some of my favorite artists and it makes me smile every time I open my fridge. Okay, sometimes I smile when I open my fridge because there's pudding in there, but still...If there are some pieces you want to see on a sticker or a magnet let me know, I'd be happy to feature everyone's favorites.

5. Alright, here's some new work:

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